Sunday, November 2, 2008

Robin Release!

Last week Team 10 released their robin, affectionately known as Spaz. The robin came in with Knemidokoptes, a mite that can affect a bird's legs and beak. The mites were his only medical problem, so he often escaped his cage and flew around the clinic. The Illinois Department of Natural Resources (DNR) occasionally bands robins for one of their research projects, so when the time for Spaz's release came, we gave them a call. They came out, took some measurements of Spaz, banded him and put a transmitter on his tail feathers (with heat shrink tubing). Hopefully, they will be able to track him for the next few months.

Banding the Robin's Leg
Transmitter Attachment
Robin Transmitter Attachment
The transmitter attachment is completely finished!
Tracking Antenna on a Car
Robin Release!
Robin Release