Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Summer has begun at the wildlife clinic. All of the students have finished finals, and most of the volunteers have left to begin their summer adventures. During break, the clinic is kept running by the two managers, two interns and a couple of super devoted volunteers. There are quite a few cases in the ward right now, including a couple of mallard ducks, a juvenile swan, some squirrels. rabbits and a great horned owl. A garter snake just presented after being closed in a door and is currently down getting radiographs. With fewer volunteers and the continual influx of cases, summer is always exciting in the WMC!

Juvenile Swan
Juvie Swan


Examining the Garter Snake
Garter Snake Pager
Garter Snake Radiograph
The arrow points to the spinal fracture. (Click on the picture to enlarge.)

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