Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A night out for the clinic

Tonight V. Picasso will be holding a fundraiser for the wildlife clinic. From 4-11pm V. Picasso will be donating 20% of your bill(not including alcohol) to the Wildlife Medical Clinic. This is a great opportunity to check out this new tapas bar and the yummy food they have available. It is also a great opportunity to donate to the clinic so we can continue to help and rehabilitate local wildlife. There are over 120 student volunteers that help keep the clinic running and work hard to take care of over 1500 animals annually. This is a fantastic opportunity to thank all of these students and show your support for the wildlife clinic. Remember, you must have previously printed out the V. Picasso flyer to make sure that 20% is donated to the wildlife clinic. If you're anticipating a large group of people then it is best to make reservations. So come out to support the clinic and have a good time.

V. Picasso is located at 214 W. Main St. in Urbana. You can find flyers online here.

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